In a pretty sweet new affiliate partnership between JetBlue and Amazon.com, you can now earn 3 points per dollar when shopping Amazon. Complete details and terms are on the page, but there are few restrictions.
Now, I already get 5% back in points on all my Amazon purchases. How? There are two easy ways. I have a Chase Freedom card and historically once a year or so there is a 5X category bonus on the card for shopping on Amazon. The limit is generally $1,500 worth of purchases, so I buy $1,500 worth of Amazon gift certificates, load them to my account, and pay with that on the next year or so of purchases. Another way you could go about this is if you have any card with 5x bonuses for office supplies, then you could buy Amazon GCs that way in store.
But now with this partnership, you get an EXTRA 3% back in JetBlue points. Actually, since JetBlue points are worth almost 1.5c on redemption, it’s more like an extra 4.5% rebate. All told, I feel like I’m getting around 10% off everything I buy at Amazon in addition to free shipping with my Prime account.
You will need to login to your TrueBlue account every time you plan to make a purchase and then click the link: