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Delta announced this morning that you will be able to use certain app based texting apps for free on all WiFi (Gogo)  enabled Delta flights starting this weekend. About 90% of all Delta planes have WiFi.

Oddly, they use the phrase “texting” though they appear to mean messaging. Texting technically would mean traditional  cellular carrier based SMS messages – but they specify this service means iMessage, WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger. Makes sense, though, given that it is via Gogo WiFi and not via any cellular carriers.

You won’t be able to send pictures or videos but you’ll be able to stay in touch with friends and family without buying Wifi.

Does this make you more likely to choose Delta for a flight or will it just be nice when Delta already has the lowest price anyway?  Let me know here, or on Twitter, or in the private MilesTalk Facebook group.

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