Lufthansa Won’t Issue Refunds At All For Now – Come Back Later

Lufthansa Won't Issue Refunds

We’ve talked a lot about struggling airlines lately. That’s basically all airlines right now. Still, some have made it easy to get refunds for cancelled flights (hello, Delta and Alaska) while many others, trying to hold on to your cash for dear life, have made it extremely difficult. United was famously shifting the goalposts on when they had to refund (at one point saying a 25 hour or less delay meant no refund – they’ve since walked that back) you as well as denying free mileage redeposits for cancelled award flights. (also walked back).

British Airways went as far as hiding the refunds page (and I’m still trying to get an Avios flight refunded after cancellation).

Lufthansa is now taking the cake with a new formally written policy that you cannot have a refund for *anything* at present. You can have a refund, sure – but later, whenever later is.


Check out the official Lufthansa COVID-19 Refund Page

Here’s the link:

And here’s the “best part”… when you can have a refund on a flight that no longer exists.

They are even asking you don’t even contact them for a while, noting you can wait up to the full year of ticket validity.


Is this legal?

I don’t see how it could be. They aren’t providing a service. It’s the same as if you ordered a TV online and the seller charged your card and then notified you that they were out of stock but you’d get a refund at some point in the future.

Absolutely ludicrous.

HT: Loyalty Lobby



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