world of hyatt credit card
World of Hyatt Credit Card

New World of Hyatt Credit Card Bonus Offer

Chase unveiled a new signup bonus on the World of Hyatt Credit Card today that is one of the most confusing I’ve seen in a while. I don’t think Chase intended it to be so confusing, but it is so let’s break it down.

Here’s what it says on the Chase website (italicized to be clear that this is not in my own words – this is verbatim):

Earn up to 60,000 Bonus Points

30,000 after you spend $3,000 on purchases in your first 3 months from your account opening.

Plus, 30,000 More Bonus Points
2 Bonus Points total per $1 spent on purchases that earn 1 Bonus Point, up to $15,000 spent in the first 6 months of account opening.

60,000 Bonus Points? Not Really…

At first glance it appeared to be a better bonus than previously (the prior offer totaled 50,000 bonus points for $6,000 in total spend within 6 months) if you were going to spend $15,000 in 6 months anyway.

Most of us actually do set a goal of $15,000 in annual spend on this card because you get a free Category 1-4 night with that much spend, meaning a boost of about ~$200 (or however you value the free night) when you hit that threshold.

But this bonus offer is actually only a maximum of 45,000 true bonus points, because it turns out that 15,000 of those 60,000 bonus points are the one point per dollar you’d earn regardless of a bonus offer. So really, the 60,000 figure is total points, because 15,000 of them aren’t really part of the bonus offer.

Breaking Down This Offer More Clearly

  • You’ll get 30,000 true bonus World of Hyatt points after $3,000 in spend within 3 months. That’s standard and clear.
  • Then you’ll get 2 bonus points per dollar on non-bonus category spend up to $15,000 within 6 months. But those two bonus points include the 1 point per dollar you’d always get on non-bonused spend. So, let’s say you opened the card and paid a $15,000 tax bill on day one (just to make this easy to explain. You would get 30,000 bonus points for the first threshold) and then, for the total spend of $15,000, you’d earn 2 points per dollar for 60,000 total. And just to be clear, you don’t get any bonus points for spend in a category that already earns a bonus multiplier on this card.
  • The confusion is that second tranche of points. Because you’d always earn 15,000 points for $15,000 in spend, the true bonus (in terms of how we all view bonus offers) is 45,000 bonus points plus 15,000 earned points.
  • It’s semantics in a sense, but words matter and you need to understand the offer you are taking.

The 50,000 Point Offer is Better – And It is Still Available

While public channels (including our affiliate link) will take you to the new, more confusing offer, the Refer a Friend offer is, for now, the older and better deal:

Your friend will earn up to 50,000 Bonus Points after they spend $6,000 total on purchases within the first 6 months of account opening.

Therefore, if you want the card now, use a refer a friend link. I’m happy to share my 50,000 point offer referral.

Obviously if you have a Player 2, you can refer each other.

World of Hyatt Credit CardGet Hyatt Bonus Points: Earn 30,000 Bonus Points after spending $3,000 on purchases within the first 3 months from account opening, plus an additional 2 Bonus Points total per $1 spent in you first 6 months on purchases that would normally earn 1 Bonus Point, on up to $15,000 spent. | How to apply for this offer.


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You can find credit cards that best match your spending habits and bonus categories at Your Best Credit Cards

New to all of this? My “introduction to miles and points” book, MilesTalk: Live Your Wildest Travel Dreams Using Miles and Points is available on Amazon and at major booksellers.


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