Man, this hurts me to type. It’s conjecture at this point, but with a basis in reality.
In this article
Could the Canadian Border Remain Closed to US Residents into 2021?
I was talking with my lead animator today who’s based in Ontario, Canada (recall that I also own a medical animation company).
I normally travel up there fairly regularly for team meetings and I also have several friends in the Toronto area.
So we talk a lot about what is happening now, especially COVID. Sort of off the cuff he mentioned “You know, there’s talk they will keep Americans out until sometime next year if you guys can’t get it under control.”
So that got me checking in on the latest developments, because obviously my colleague’s statements are just conjecture.
First of all, it is confirmed that the US / Canada land border crossings and US to Canada air crossings will remain closed for yet another month, through July 31st, with the mandatory self-quarantine order for returning Canadians in place through at least August 31st. That announcement came earlier today. In fact, the Canadian border is, overall, going to remain closed to ALL other countries until at least July 31st, despite being on Europe’s “OK to Enter” list (unlike, of course, the US). This is the third extension of the border closing so far. Healthcare workers and truckers are among those that can still cross the land border crossings.
Remember, Canadians can still come to the US by air just fine.
Then I got to this article from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), the national broadcasting company in Canada.
The Canadian Quarantine Act
Think that the NY / NJ / CT Quarantine Order was tough? Well, it really isn’t, considering that fines are only $2,000 – $10,000 and will almost certainly only be imposed on those somehow caught flagrantly violating it – if at all.
In Canada, travelers returning to Canada must not only self-isolate for 14 days, if they live with someone who is high-risk for COVID (elderly or compromised immune system) they must find somewhere else to quarantine.
If the CBSA (border services) even *thinks* you may not comply, they can coordinate with local law enforcement to make sure you do. And check out the penalties: A fine of up to $750,000 or imprisonment.
Yes, you could go to prison in Canada for violating the Quarantine Act.
Canada means business.
Speculation on When Canada May Reopen It’s Border to the US
In the CBC article, a U of T epidemiologist names Colin Furness is quoted as saying “My guess is it’s going to have to stay closed for more than 12 months.”
As talk show host John Oliver would exclaim. Holy sh*t!
Apparently, according to a May study by a firm called Leger Marketing, 47 percent of Canadians would like to see the border remain firmly closed through the rest of 2020.
And Prime Minister Trudeau says clearly and firmly said just a week and a half ago “We are going to be very, very careful about when and how we start reopening international borders” adding that ”we know that reopening too quickly or carelessly would lead us to a resurgence that might well force us to go back into lockdown, to shut down the economy once again, and nobody wants that.”
While Furness said it could even be as long as another year, he also says it could be well before that – essentially that we don’t yet know the plan but that we should all be prepared it’s likely several months off and not to expect August to be the magic month.
At the current pace, with Canada not even allowing any foreigners in, it seems safe to say Americans aren’t first in line, despite the obvious financial impact with regards to trade.
How is Canada doing vs. the US with COVID-19?
I’ll let the charts speak for themselves. And yes, there is plenty of testing in Canada.
Bottom Line
We need to get this virus under control in the US for so many reasons. Somehow, 125,000 American deaths hasn’t been enough of a wake up call for people to just wear a damn mask when you’ll be in close proximity to people. If we could all just wear a mask when we are in close proximity to people we don’t live with and practice social distancing, we’d have a fighting chance of this thing dying down.
Else, we’re surely going to stay grounded stateside until there’s a vaccine – whenever that may be.
Even if you don’t believe it helps and even if you don’t find it comfortable – please – wear a mask.
I want to travel again….
PS: Today is Canada Day! Happy Canada Day to all of my Canadian friends and readers! ??
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