Since January 1st, Marriott Platinum and Platinum Premiers have been unable to choose their 2018 benefits including Suite Night Awards and, for Platinum Elites, a free night up to 40,000 points. Many Platinum Premiers were waiting for January 1 to choose because you have until the end of the year following the year it is selected to use it. i.e. Choosing it in January 2019 vs December 2018 gives you an additional year to use the free night.

But on the day many us us intended to choose, the website to choose went offline. I wrote about this on January 2nd: It’s Not Just You: Marriott 2018 “75 Night Choice Benefit” is Broken

Still, many remained concerned about the looming January 14th deadline to choose, fearing benefits would be lost.

Today, via Starwood Lurker on Flyertalk, Marriott confirms that “…the choice benefit web site should be back up and running sometime on January 15th. Due to the issues with the web site since the beginning of the year, the deadline to make your choice (earned in 2018) will be extended to February 7th.”

Link to the Flyertalk post.

We can now, officially, all rest easy.

Were you freaked out?  Let me know here, on Twitter, or in the private MilesTalk Facebook group.

New to all of this? My new “introduction to miles and points” book, MilesTalk: Live Your Wildest Travel Dreams Using Miles and Points is available now.

Get 75,000 Marriott Points when you spend $3,000 in 3 months as well as an annual free night worth up to 35,000 points each year at renewal
Get 75,000 Marriott Points when you spend $3,000 in 3 months as well as an annual free night worth up to 35,000 points each year at renewal




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