This is going to be a #veryshortblogpost.
If you are on the Status Match Merry Go Round already (and don’t hold the Wyndham Business Earner card or anything else that automatically confers your Diamond status), your Wyndham Rewards Diamond status should have reset from Diamond to Blue today.
If that is the case, you need to head over to the to the Wyndham page and match. This will re-up your Wyndham Diamond status.
Then make a note for the start of February. Your Caesars status will lapse Feb 1. But you can go back to the Caesars page then and re-up for another year!
Note: If you had Diamond status in 2021, yours was likely granted a status extension anyway, in which case just wait for the re-match back to Caesars Feb 1….
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New to all of this? My “introduction to miles and points” book, MilesTalk: Live Your Wildest Travel Dreams Using Miles and Points is available on Amazon and at major booksellers.
I just checked my Wyndham status and saw it expires on Dec 31, 2022. I’m guessing everyone was given an automatic extension ?
I was just checking mine and cannot find the Diamond expiration date but it is still showing as Diamond on Jan 2nd so that gives me hope that it will remain so for 2022? Is this a fluke I wonder? Or perhaps as you say it is an automatic Covid related extension? It would be awesome if this status is maintained. I’m trying to find out what other programs I can status match again, I want to use the Best Western SM and see what others might work.
Yes, it seems if you already had it in 2020/2021 it’s been auto extended (again).
M Life normally expired on 12/31 but it’s been bumped out to 1/31 (I think). Cannot currently match M Life to Hyatt which expires 2/28 due to error message saying already status matched. Cannot extend Hyatt expiration from 2/28/22 to 2/28/23 since the link to match to M Liife is dead. Hopefully these all get fixed in February in tme to continue the annual renewal cycle.