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Chase Freedom Q4 2024 Bonus Categories: Register Now

Registration is now live for the October - December 2024 period for your Chase Freedom and Freedom Flex cards. This is for both the new(ish) Freedom Flex and the legacy Chase Freedom card. As a refresher,...

EEEEEATSCON NY Returns Oct 12-13, 2024

You know I love a good EEEEEATSCON! Here are the details for this years NYC event, in Forest Hills. EEEEEATSCON New York 2024 Details  When: Saturday, October 12 – Sunday, October 13 Chase Sapphire Pre-Sale...
Courtesy: United Media Hub

United to Offer Free Wifi via Starlink

I don't think it's an understatement to say that of the legacy US carriers, United has a reputation as having the least reliable wifi. Board your flight ready to work 4 hours and get...
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ELEVEN Bonus Offer Updates, Including Bonvoy Business “5 Night” Offer

As much as I'd love to deep dive these, I'm afraid I don't have the time....I mean, 11 offers all at once?! Hopefully, you subscribe to our free bonus offer notifications service? Seriously, it's free...

A reminder to #NeverForget. My memory of 9/11.

This is a repost of what I wrote on this day in 2017. I will never have new words to describe the way that day felt, nor how I remember it each year.  But...
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2 Big MSC Cruise Updates: Status Match Merry Go Round

If you are on the Status Match Merry Go Round™ - very specifically the 2024 version of the Atlantic City Status Match Merry Go Round™ - you probably care a lot about the MSC...
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ENDS TODAY September 9th: New Offer on $95 Venture Card Worth $1,000++

We just received word from Capital One that this Best Ever offer on the Venture Rewards Credit Card from Capital One will end on September 9th, 2024. With the early spend bonus worth a...
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MGM and Marriott Bonvoy Points Can Now Be Exchanged

Under the old Cosmopolitan casino Identity program, you were able to exchange your comps / points between the Identity and Marriott Bonvoy programs.  Here were the charts they used: Identity to Marriott 25,000 20,000 10,000 8,000 2,500 2,000 500 400 Marriott to Identity 250,000 100,000 125,000 50,000 25,000 10,000 5,000 2,000   So you lost 20% going...
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Insane Ink Unlimited® 90,000 Point Offer is BACK!

At the end of 2023 just into the start of 2024, Chase was offering $900 bonuses on both the Chase Ink Unlimited® and the Chase Ink Cash® after $6,000 in spend in 3 months...

Bilt’s September Rent Day Includes Two Transfer Bonuses and Tickets to One Bite

There's actually a lot packed in to their announcement and I couldn't get it all into a title. Here are the highlights of the September 1, 2024 Rent Day - the last Rent Day which...