state coronavirus guidelines

It’s enough to make your head spin. Which countries are requiring quarantine on arrival? Advance testing? On arrival testing? Which countries are closed entirely? And what about taking a road trip? Which states require quarantines? Don’t get caught off guard. Bookmark these tools:

For Domestic Coronavirus Restrictions:

Head over to this site created by the National Governor’s Association.

state coronavirus guidelines

At a glance, you’ll be able to see which states currently have a stay-at-home order, limits on gatherings, and quarantine requirements for newcomers to the state. You can then drill into day-by-day updates to rules and regulations by each state.

The website is clunky but it’s nice to have one spot to find all of these details.

MilesTalk group member Adam K. recommends this State by State Coronavirus information tracker from the NY Times.

I agree, it’s better! Check it out.


For International Coronavirus Restrictions:

This is for sure the harder one to keep track of. IATA has an interactive map where you can see every current restriction just by clicking the country.

iata country virus restriction

It’s very cool but, unless I’m missing something, a glaring omission is *future* restrictions ad loosening of restrictions.

For example, I just published last night Sri Lanka’s planned re-opening for August 1st including testing and other restrictions

However, if you click Sri Lanka on the map, you’ll simply be told the current restrictions, namely

Published 05.06.2020
1. Airports in Sri Lanka are closed.

For this reason, I’d recommend combining this interactive map with the excellent reopening tracker created by Skift.

Skift has done a fantastic job tracking country re-openings down to significant detail.


What other tools have you found to help with the Information Overload on travel during the coronavirus?

Let me know here, on Twitter, or in the private MilesTalk Facebook group.

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New to all of this? My “introduction to miles and points” book, MilesTalk: Live Your Wildest Travel Dreams Using Miles and Points is available on Amazon and at major booksellers.


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