sofi money

Did you pick up a SoFi money account last year when they were offering the big referral bonuses?

Under a new promotion aimed at those staying home now (which is probably everyone reading this?), you’ll get 20% rebated for purchases at DoorDash and on streaming services like Netflix when you pay with your SoFi Money card.

sofi money

20% off DoorDash

20% off DoorDash is valid as long as you have $50 in your SoFi money account. If you have an existing Money account, you can get up to $40 back on $200 through the promotion, which runs until June 30th.   If you don’t have one and signup for a SoFi account today, you’ll still be eligible but only for $20 back on up to $100.

If you have the upgraded DoorDash (DashPass) account from your Chase credit card, you can still use SoFi as your payment method to get this deal.

20% off Streaming Services

Eligible Merchants are: Disney+, Hulu, Netflix, Spotify, HBO Now, Amazon Prime Video, CBS All Access, Pandora Music, and Google Music.

You can get up to $75 back total per member, through June 30th. Just make your SoFi Money card your method of payment on the recurring bills.

Easy Enough?

Let me know here, on Twitter, or in the private MilesTalk Facebook group.

You can find credit cards that best match your spending habits and bonus categories at Your Best Credit Cards

New to all of this? The MilesTalk “introduction to miles and points” book, MilesTalk: Live Your Wildest Travel Dreams Using Miles and Points is available on Amazon and at major booksellers.


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