canadian border reopening to us

Since March of 2020, Canada’s borders have been sealed shut to Americans unless they met certain conditions (medical personnel and truckers, for example, were exempted and, later, students and those in committed relationships with Canadians became allowed to visit).

Today, it was announced that the one-way border seal (Canadians have been welcomed into the US this entire time as long as they traveled by air) will finally end.

As of August 9th, fully vaccinated Americans (and only fully vaccinated Americans that can provide documentation) will be welcomed back over the border into Canada. 

Per Canadian Travel News:

“Fully vaccinated travelers must also:

· provide COVID-19-related information electronically through ArriveCAN (app or web portal) including proof of vaccination prior to departing for Canada (subject to limited exceptions);

· meet the pre-entry testing requirements;

· be asymptomatic upon arrival; and

· have a paper or digital copy of their vaccination documentation in English or French (or certified translation, along with the original) ready to show a government official on request. All travellers must still present a suitable quarantine plan, and be prepared to quarantine, should they not meet all of the conditions required to be exempt from quarantine.”

From September 7th, 2021, fully / doubly vaccinated travelers from other countries will be allowed. Note that children under 12 will be exempt from the vaccination requirement but will have to follow other public health guidelines and be tested on Day 1 and Day 8.

Unvaccinated travelers who are not Canadian citizens or permanent residents will not be allowed entry to Canada unless they meet one of the previous exemptions (in which case testing rules still apply).

I don’t know about you, but I’m very excited. I generally (in a normal year) visit Canada 2-4 times and look forward to my first trip back North!


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