For a while, MilesTalk was partnering with Roomi to offer fee-free rent payments via credit card.
The promotion went, as expected, too well…. Nobody expected Roomi to absorb those credit card fees forever.
Recently, Roomi shifted to a model wherein you are required to register with the Roomi system and also make your payments using ACH (meaning that you must have your landlord’s bank account and routing information).
They also went to a 2% – 2.5% fee. Mid-month I was able to offer my readers a slightly lower rate of 1.9%.
Right now, Roomi is letting me offer the next 120 payments at a further reduced rate of 1.5%.
This will be while supplies last only and only via this link.
I know, it’s not free. But it is the best deal on the market (unless your landlord is cool with a boatload of $250 checks from Plastiq – no question that is a better deal)
If you’re not already registered with Roomi, here’s what you need to do *before* using the MilesTalk 1.5% link:
Will you pay your rent for a 1.5% fee? Let me know here, on Twitter, or in the private MilesTalk Facebook group.
New to all of this? My new “introduction to miles and points” book, MilesTalk: Live Your Wildest Travel Dreams Using Miles and Points is available now.