atlantis bahamas caesars

Matched Caesars Diamonds Can Still Book Atlantis

Late last year there was some speculation that “matched” Caesars Diamonds would lose access to the free nights at Atlantis in the Bahamas for Caesars Diamond members.

Why is This News?

For one, it was due to the fact that they were telling those that asked, like Michael Trager of TravelZork, that they weren’t going extend status for matched members through 2021 due to COVID while “earned status” members would have their status extended another year.

And then MilesTalk group member Menashe found verbiage in their Founders Card account that both the free Caesars Dubai Bluewater stay (which was always only for earned tiers) and the Atlantis stay would be for earned status members only.

caesars founders card no atlantis

This led to my attempting to book for myself in January, which I did successfully and suggested that MilesTalkers book their Atlantis rooms through January 2022 before the February 1st program year reset.

Once February rolled around, it became a bit of a “what will happen next?” scenario.

A Current Booking by a Matched Member

One MilesTalk group member, Anthony, is on the Status Match Merry Go Round (so, not earned status and not via Founders Card. Like me, he matches his Caesars and Wyndham Diamond back and forth each year. He tried to book the first week of Feb for later this year. I got nervous when he didn’t get his confirmation the next day like I did in January. But, only about 3 weeks later (!), he got his confirmation.

So, it *seems* that the complimentary Atlantis stay (plus taxes and fees and exorbitant food costs) is still available for tier matched members.

What I’m not sure about? If someone who has Caesars Diamond ONLY via Founders Card and has not subsequently matched to Caesars via Wyndham would be denied.

Does that describe you? Please try a booking and let us know!

Bottom Line

I think that the ship is soon to sail on the Atlantis trip for matched members, based on everything above combined with the acquisition of Caesars Entertainment by Eldorado Resorts. I hope I’m wrong as I love the option, but I do think we should be prepared that one year it may no longer be available.

For now, I’m just happy that it’s still a thing for 2021.


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New to all of this? My “introduction to miles and points” book, MilesTalk: Live Your Wildest Travel Dreams Using Miles and Points is available on Amazon and at major booksellers.


  1. Never liked this offer. Resort fees were extra and Fees for 3rd and 4th guest even if children. All added up so a significant amount not worth it.


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